Tuesday, May 23, 2006

John Turnow - The Wild Man of the Wynoochee

A tale of murder and treasure in the dense forests of Washington, John Turnow's life became a legend. Preferring the unexplored wilderness and wild animals to settlements and people, John Turnow really only wanted to be left alone. But, that would not be the case.

When the accidental killing of two young men began to spurt a manhunt, Turnow soon earned such labels as “the Wild Man of the Wynoochee,” “the Cougar Man,” and “a Mad Daniel Boone.”

With each telling, the story became larger and larger until the entire countryside was terrified.

A manhunt began for the "Wild Man" and when he was shot and killed, people came from miles and miles to get a peek at his remains.

If this story is not enough, there is also a tale of lost treasure thought to be buried on the Wynooche River

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